Skincare Myth Busters 101 – Lamarie says it’s not true!
Skincare Myth Busters 101 Lamarie says it's not true! Skincare myths huh...we are very aware that there are so many advises on skincare out there. Let's be honest, at first glance some may be convincing but some are just down-right crazy! Once or twice we've all...
read moreReasons why you want to eat fruit
Fruit For The Glow Did you know? The skin is able to tell stories about our diets. Just as there are foods we eat for weight-loss, there are foods we can eat to give our skin the natural, healthy glow it needs…most importantly, the glow WE WANT. “You are what you...
read moreDaily Skincare Regimen For All Skin Types
Daily Skincare Regimen For All Skin Types A step-by-step look at what we’ve been doing wrong and how to correct it. Before we get into the daily skincare regimen, let us first look at the different stages of daily skincare and the importance thereof: Make-up Removal -...
read moreKnow Your Skin – Determining Skin Type
Determining Skin Type "Let's play doctor-doctor" Determining skin type can be a nightmare! Who are we fooling? Although there are a number of us sure about our skin type, a majority of us is still walking around with the wrong information as far as our skin and how...
read moreAging Skin – Somebody Get A Time Machine!
Aging Skin FAQ’s What type of skin is aging skin? Does stress contribute to aging skin? Why is my skin thinning? What are age spots? Why is my skin thin and papery? What causes age spots? When should I start using anti-aging creams? What is the best way to prevent...
read moreCombination Skin – The All-In-One Nightmare
Combination Skin FAQ’s What does it mean to have combination skin? How do I know that I have combination skin? My skin is sometimes oily and then at other times dry. what could this mean and how can I prevent it? What can I do about oily-dry-skin combination? How can...
read moreSensitive Skin – Mind-boggling monster!
Sensitive Skin FAQ’s What is sensitive skin? What is the best way to to treat sensitive skin? How do I have sensitive skin? What causes sensitive skin? “Hello there high-maintainence skin” How many times have you had itching or burning sensations, sometimes right...
read moreOily skin problems weighing you down?
Oily Skin FAQ’s How does one tell if their skin is oily? I have oily skin, do I really need to moisturize? How can I reduce the oil production in my skin? I have oily skin, should I lay off the make-up? “Shine bright like a diamond?” It’s a fun song until one...
read moreDry Skin And How To Take Care Of It
Dry Skin FAQ’s: What are the main symptoms of dry skin? What is the best way to treat dry skin? Why is my skin still dry? I moisturize every day! “Scaly Potter much?” Ever stood in front of the mirror frustrated by what you see, wondering what your skin is trying...
read moreA Sensitive Skin Antidote
What it is: A sensitive skin series comprising of a Make Up Remover, a Facial Wash, a Facial Toner, a Serum and a Cream. After thoughts: Whether your skin stings, burns, itches or reddens as a reaction from the environment or from using a variety of skin-care...
read moreThe Chronicles of Acne
What it is: An Acne lashing series packed with the Pro-Tone Facial Toner, Instant Acne Combat Serum, Pro-Acne Care Serum and Pro-Repair Cream After thoughts: Anyone battling with acne will tell you that they have tried almost everything to get rid of it. Acne whether...
read moreThe Night-Owl Detox Routine
What it is: A night-time detox series packed with twin-serums and a cream. After thoughts: A complete goodnight routine should extend to taking care of your skin as opposed to just listening to music or watching a movie before bed. The absolute series is the helping...
read moreAnti-Aging Perfection
What it is: A gold anti-aging series packed with a cleanser, toner, serum and creams. After thoughts: Women with aging skin have the monstrosity of monitoring fine lines, the paranoia of keeping their wrinkles at bay and the desire to turn back time. The...
read moreEnriched Drops Of Moisture
What it is: Day/Night Leave-On Mask After thoughts: While the capsules may just look like drops of moisture, they feel like, more than a moisturizer falling-off your skin. They are a 3-in-1 cream, oil and serum, a revolutionary solution in skin-care with...
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