Determining Skin Type
“Let’s play doctor-doctor”
Determining skin type can be a nightmare! Who are we fooling? Although there are a number of us sure about our skin type, a majority of us is still walking around with the wrong information as far as our skin and how to take care of it is concerned. This can be a nightmare when you have to choose facial products. How does one take care of a skin they do not really know or understand? It is important that you know and understand the skin you are in as this allows you to be able to take care of it the way it really needs. For sure your next question is, but how do I determine my skin type? I’m no doctor. Below are a few easy steps to help you do this without the help of a paid professional.
Preparation Phase
Step 1: Make-Up Removal
Ensure that all traces of make-up are removed. Make-up differs in terms of the made – others are oil-based (waterproof) and others are not. This means that one make-up remover could work for certain make-up and not the other. It is thus advisable that you use a make-up remover capable of tackling the two – I’d recommend Lamarie Professional Sensi-Clear Make Up Remover. It is suitable for all skin-types so you don’t need to worry there. The make-up remover contains a cloudy layer containing unique ingredients that assist with make-up removal and a clear blue layer that helps keep the skin moist upon cleansing.
Step 2: Cleansing
With a facial wash/ cleanser suitable for your skin type, thoroughly wash your face. Do this with your fingertips ensuring that all areas are covered. Avoid that face towel scrubbing, this is not tug and war so your fingertips should suffice. It is crucial that you use warm water – not hot or cold. We don’t want to steal from your skin’s natural oils and we don’t want to constrict the pores either (we are looking for untainted results). Also, avoid over-washing your face. Over-washing may lead to irritation, dry skin and production of excess oil as the skin tries to retain its moisture lost during the washing.
When the washing is done, thoroughly rinse the face and pat gently with a towel and wait up to an hour. Because we understand that it is not just any facial wash that you can use, here is my recommendation: Lamarie Professional Sensi-Cleanse Facial Wash This gentle wash is more hydrating and calming to the skin and, it doesn’t only remove dirt but also reduces bags under the eyes.
While you are waiting…
Because you are trying to find out your skin type, applying any product will not give you appropriate results therefore this should be avoided. Even when you start feeling like your face is drying out, do not use anything on your face. Also, we know how excited you may get about seeing that beautiful face on the mirror but do try to avoid touching it as much as possible. The reason for this is that facial skin can be sensitive at times therefore touching it could lead to inconclusive results.
Step 3: Examining Your Skin
- First dab your face with a tissue.
- Pat your T-zone area (forehead, nose and chin) with a tissue.
- Check the tissue for appearance of oil on it.
Step 4: Reading The Results
If there is oil, you either have oily or combination skin. How do you know for sure?
Dry Skin – will feel taut upon cleansing.
Oily Skin – will feel cleaner after washing and then greasy as the day progresses. Pores will be easily visible even if you are a bit further from the mirror.
Sensitive Skin – will get red, itchy, or a rash could form after using certain facial products.
Combination Skin – your T-zone will feel clean, but your cheeks will feel tight. Pinch your skin, if the butterfly area or the area outside the T-zone gets wrinkles and the T-zone feels smooth, you have combination skin.
Normal Skin – if you are one of the lucky ones (with normal skin), your skin will not react in any way. Woo-hoo for low maintenance! Pores will be visible but not large.
Now that we have determined our skin types, life only gets easier. We are able to care for our skin properly, with no misses when coming to facial products.